Friday 9 January 2015

Raif Badawi - The next martyr for Freedom of Expression.

Today, in despair, I sent the following to all Irish public representatives in Dáil Éireann, the executive of the Irish government. I have kept it short, unemotional and reasoned, and I urge you to do the same. It is the time for action, and to urge our governments to act on our behalf. I ask you to put any animosity you may feel toward your government aside and to contact your public representatives, to call them to defend Freedom of Expression, for all our sakes.

I beg you, do not stand by and see this done.


Dear Deputy,

I am writing to you about Raif Badawi, a Saudi Arabian blogger who is being held by Saudi authorities and is to be tortured through flogging weekly for several months for daring to exercise the basic human right of Freedom of Expression. This punishment is expected to kill him. Raif did not harm anyone, or attempt to incite violence or rebellion. His crime is that he was a founder of a website for political and social debate, “Saudi Arabian Liberals.”

I urge you to bring this story to the attention of the Dáil, and to push for a public statement calling on the Saudi government to free this brave proponent of freedom and liberal values.

Yours Sincerely,

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